ltalnos adatai:
Trzsknyvezett neve: My Fair Lady from Cheval de Course
Neve: My Fair Lady
Hvneve: Lady
Fajtja: angol telivr
Szne: deres
Jegye(i): -
Szletsi dtuma: 2011.12.21.
Versenyzsi adatai:
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Szakosods:galopp(hossztv), kllem
Edzsterve: van -->
Ltlevl: rendben
Rajtengedly: rendben
sszesen (65) helyezs, ebbl:
I. hely:
jvi Kupa
Foals Tournament 2012
Foals Tournament 2012
Merry X-mas Appearance
Monarchia Tli Versenynapok
chevali csikkllem
III.Paradise kllemen
Cup of Thoroughbreds
Harmony Appearance
March's Appearance
Arco Iris Galopp Derby
II. Okinawa Appearance
'Game, Set, Match' Cup ABSZOLT GYZTES!
Sznkategris kllemverseny
Appearance in Summer DS
Sunshine Appearance
Loca Galopp Derby ABSZOLT GYZTES!
Galopp for Thoroughbreds
I. Walt Disney Race
III Besilu Bount Race Cup
Game of Thrones Galopp Cup
Galopp Teams
II. Limited Appearance
Run Girl Run! Galopp Cup
The Hunger Games
Five Days Gallop Festival ABSZOLT GYZTES!
II. hely:
Little Foal Appearance
Foals Tournament 2012
Happy Birthday! Galopp
Race for Training Prictures
Belmont Stakes
I. Okinawa Derby
Nyri Versenynapok I.
Explosive Impetus Galopp-Appearance
I. Explosive Impetus Kupa
Epsom international
Fight of Thoroughbreds
R.I.P Fantastic Thoroughbred Leading Sires
Summer Time Cup
Mares' Challenge Day
III. hely:
Equine Derby
Simple Galopp
I am a Princess? of course
I.Dubai World Cup
Explosive Impetus Galopp
Skillet Respect Appearance
I. GV Mare Appearance
Fight of Thoroughbreds
GaloppRace in the Pyrenees
I. Magyar Derbyn
Blanket Appearance
Head Appearance
I. Broadway Galopp Cup
Santa Anita Team Race (els fordul)
Egyb helyezsek:
Pimlico's Marathon
Tavaszi Octavian Cup
I. Red Stables Appearance
Okinawa Thoroughbreds Champion
I. One Country Galopp: France
Delaware Handicap
Mare's Galopp Cup
Houston Ladies Classic
Atlantic Handicap
The Casualties Cup
Five Days Gallop Festival
Minstsei: 15xELITE, The Best Appearance Horse, Great, Nice Foal, Beautiful Little Lady, 2xThe Most Beautiful Foal in PS, Nice, Nice Foal in PS, Very nice horse in TSM, Best of Monarchia Winter Racedays,The Most Beautiful Foal/Filly in Cheval, Champion Foal/Filly, The Most Beautiful Horse in Paradise Stables, Best, Thoroughbred Cup Winner, Good Horse in Darius de Azevedo, LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION, Beautiful in March's Appearance in Mare Caregory, EXCELLENT, 2nd in infernustc - Infernus galopp cup, Well-trained Race Horse, 1st placed in "Arco Iris Galopp Derby", 2xGOOD, AMAZING, Best in Okinawa, GOOD, Good in Okinawa, GOOD Galopp Horse, NICE, Good Horse in Explosive Impetus Galopp, Nice, Nice horse in Skillet Respect Appearance, NICE, Szp l a Kanck versenyn, EXCELLENT, Better Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Kupa "hossztv" Category, ELITE Beautiful horse in DS, Gorgeous, BETTER, Better Thoroughbred in Gallop Category, NICE, Nice Thoroughbred in Appearance Category, Winner of Sunshine Appearance, Excellent, Excellent Galopp Horse, Good Horse of the Alps, Best Racehorse in Galopp for Thoroughbreds, GOOD, Good in Okinawa, Good, Better, Better, BEST, GOOD, BEST, EXCELLENT, Third in Santa Anita, Good, Second in Santa Anita, Better, NICE, 4th Placed Horse in Mare's Galopp Cup, Better Galopp Team Horse in TC, SA Participiant, Nice Racer, Awesome, 1st Placed in II. Limited Appearance, Wild Rose Champion, 1st galopp mare in NHP, Best, The Best Horse in The Hunger Games, SA Racer, Nice, Absolute, Santa Anita Champion, SA Winner, Best

Egszsggyi adatai:
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Tenysztsi adatai:
Trzsknyvi szma:11.CdCp.At/Ev*DrMyLe
Tenyszengedly: van
Celestial Gift |
A. P. Indy |
Seattle Slew |
Weekend Surprise (by Secretariat) |
Celtic Rose |
Radioactive |
Creola Rosette |
My Dear Girl |
Drone |
Master R. |
Raleight M. |
Kissing G. |
Poppen |
Champion M. |
Tenyszet(ek) ahol tenyszl: -
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